Gary Lachman
Consciousness, Culture, and the Esoteric Tradition
Books 1
Books 2
Books 3
Selected Articles and Videos
Getting Beyond the Robot
Perception is Intentional
Mystical Experience and the Evolution of Consciousness
Destiny Calling: Experiments with Dreaming, Time,and Synchronicity
Putin's Religious Mission: An Interview with Rebel Wisdom
Jung, Maslow and the Mechanics of Meaning: A Lecture for the Weekend University
Colin Wilson: Existentialism Meets the Occult: An Interview with Jeffrey Mishlove
Dreaming Ahead of Time: An Interview with Jeffrey Mishlove
From Blondie to Jung: An Interview for Conscious TV from 2010.
Enter the Ancient Wisdom
Precognition, Hypnagogia, and Synchronicity: A Podcast with the Higher Side Chats.
The Philosopher Tsar: Putin's Favorite Thinkers
Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump: An Interview with Rebel Wisdom