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Upcoming Events

On 1 March I'll be taking part in an all day event at the London Buddhist Centre as part of their PhilosophyEAST series of talks. 

On 22 March I'll be giving an online talk about Consciousness and Esotericism for the Theosophical Society in America. Details to follow.

On 7 April I'll be speaking online about Hermes Trismegistus for the Consciousness Perspectives Forum. The talk is based on my book The Quest for Hermes Trismegistus.

On April 13th, I'll be taking part in an event at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, as a member of a panel discussing the odd resonances between Hermetic ideas and the internet. On the 16th I'll be giving a talk for the PRS about esotericism and recent developments in split brain theory. Details here.

From 8 to 15 May I'll be participating in the Oracle Dream Retreat at Delphi and Epidaurus in Greece. Sadly I believe this is sold out.

On 7 July I'll be speaking about Colin Wilson's Double Brain at the Fourth International Colin Wilson Conference to be held at the Scarlet Green Restaurant, Noel Street, Soho, London, Wilson's old stomping ground 9:30 - 17:00. Attendance is limited to 50 people. Email Colin Stanley at for details.

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